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Search results for sigma,62 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,62
Translated headword: Saloustios, Sallustius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Damascius says [this].[1] This man came to Alexandria from
Athens with Isidoros the philosopher.[2]
Sallustius' manner was paradoxical to everyone -- in philosophizing, he was too weighty, and in joking, he was too ridiculous. In each, I think, he went beyond the mean; and judgment is necessary in this way of life more than any other. On his father's side,
Sallustius originated from
Syria, but on his mother's side he had been an Emesene. His father was named Basilides, and his mother was Theokleia. He was naturally able in many respects, and his character was austere and ambitious. At first he looked towards the accursed field of law and was educated in rhetoric by Eunoios the sophist, who was then at Emesa. But later he directed his mind no longer to the legal field but to the sophistic life and diligently practiced speeches for this, being not less amazing in his effort than in his natural ability: for he memorized all the public speeches of
Demosthenes. But in addition to this he was an adequate [extemporaneous] speaker, not imitating the more recent sophists, but associating with the ancient patina of speech-writing.[3] And indeed he wrote speeches, not falling much short of those. He recounted that my fellow-citizen Marcellus, the companion of Eunoios, had memorized the 8 books of
Thucydides' history, yet did not say anything worth hearing. And he said that Nonnos had memorized all of
Demosthenes six times,[4] yet was not able to open his mouth for the composition of reasonable speeches. For it is not the same thing to repeat by heart for the crowd and to write for beauty. But
Sallustius having already progressed more grandly in the art, thinking that Eunoios was less than he needed, departed to Alexandria and made trial of the rhetorical schools.[5]
Greek Original:*salou/stios: *dama/skio/s fhsi. ou(=tos ei)s *)aleca/ndreian h(=ken *)aqh/nhqen su\n *)isidw/rw| tw=| filoso/fw|. para/docos de\ o( tro/pos *salousti/ou pa=sin a)nqrw/pois, ta\ me\n filosofou=ntos e)pi\ to\ karterw/teron, ta\ de\ pai/zontos e)pi\ to\ geloio/teron: e(ka/teron, oi)=mai, pe/ra tou= metri/ou. kai\ dei= kri/sews, ei)/per tini a)/llw|, kai\ tw=|de tw=| bi/w|. kai\ dh\ *salou/stios ta\ me\n patro/qen w(/rmhto a)po\ *suri/as, ta\ de\ pro\s mhtro\s *)emishno\s e)gego/nei. o( path\r de\ au)tw=| *basili/dhs w)noma/zeto, *qeo/kleia de\ h( mh/thr. eu)fuh\s de\ e)pi\ polla\ gegonw\s kai\ to\ h)=qos au)sthro\s kai\ filo/timos ta\ me\n prw=ta a)pe/blepen ei)s th\n polua/raton dikanikh\n kai\ e)paideu/eto lo/gois r(htorikoi=s u(po\ *eu)noi/+w| sofisth=|, to/te o)/nti kata\ *)/emisan: u(/steron de\ ou)ke/ti tw=| dikanikw=|, a)ll' h)/dh tw=| sofistikw=| bi/w| prosei=xe to\n nou=n kai\ e)pi\ tou/tw| diemele/ta tou\s lo/gous, ou)de\n h(=tton th=s fu/sews e)pi\ toi=s po/nois qaumazo/menos: tou\s me\n ga\r dhmosi/ous tou= *dhmosqe/nous lo/gous o(mou= pa/ntas e)ce/maqen. a)lla\ pro\s tou/tw| kai\ le/gein h)=n i(kano/s, ou) tou\s newte/rous e)kmimou/menos sofista/s, a)lla\ pro\s to\n a)rxai=on pi/non th=s logografi/as a(millw/menos. a)me/lei kai\ e)/graye lo/gous, ou) polu/ ti e)kei/nwn e)kleipome/nous. to\n de\ h(me/teron poli/thn *ma/rkellon, e(tai=ron tou= *eu)noi/+ou, kai\ tou=ton e)kmaqo/nta me\n a)pemnhmo/neue ta\ h# bibli/a th=s *qoukudi/dou i(stori/as, ou) mh/n ti kai\ le/gonta a)/cion a)koh=s: kai\ *no/nnon de/ fasin e)kmaqo/nta e(ca/kis o(/lon to\n *dhmosqe/nhn, mhde\ dia=rai to\ sto/ma du/nasqai pro/s ge lo/gwn e)pieikw=n su/nqesin: ou) ga/r e)sti tau)to\n e)s plh=qos a)posthqi/zein kai\ gra/fein e)s ka/llos. o( de\ *salou/stios a(dro/teron h)/dh a(pto/menos th=s te/xnhs, e)la/ttw h)\ kaq' e(auto\n u(polabw\n to\n *eu)no/i+on, a)ph=ren ei)s *)aleca/ndreian kai\ a)pepeira=to tw=n r(htorikw=n didaskaliw=n.
[1] A marginal addition, Adler reports, in ms M.
Life of Isidore fr. 92 Asmus (part of 138 Zintzen). More about this
Sallustius at
sigma 63.
[3] cf.
pi 1621 (with notes).
[4] A telescoped phrase which presumably means memorized
and declaimed six times.
Life of Isidore fr. 138 Zintzen (250 Asmus, 60 Athanassiadi); cf.
Bibliotheca 350b 21-27.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; law; philosophy; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 December 2005@00:21:30.
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