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Headword: *skipi/wn
Adler number: sigma,616
Translated headword: Scipio
Vetting Status: high
"This man was a Roman general,[1] who delivered not a speech but an oracle. For after the destruction of Carthage, with the Romans confident that they would spend the rest of the time in peace and tranquility, he went before the public and said 'But now we must consider present circumstances as the beginnings of wars: for we are in danger, left neither with people whom we will frighten nor people by whom we will be frightened'. But[2], with the Carthaginians removed, other wars deluging the Romans were enough to keep them sensible. For[3] as to the king, who was acceding to a freedom to do whatever he liked, certain unexpected starts of sufferings, seizing the spirit, pushed his whole kingdom towards initiatives and activities ever more distant and strange."
On Scipio see above in the eta [entries].[4]
Greek Original:
*skipi/wn: ou(=tos strathgo\s ge/gone *(rwmai/wn, o(\s xrhsmo\n ei)/rhken, ou) lo/gon. kai\ ga\r meta\ th\n th=s *karxhdo/nos kaqai/resin qarsou/ntwn *(rwmai/wn, w(s ei)rh/nh| kai\ h(suxi/a| to\ loipo\n dia/contai tou= xro/nou, parelqw\n ei)s me/sous, nu=n me/ntoi xrh\ nomi/zein, e)/fh, pole/mwn a)rxa\s ta\ paro/nta: kinduneu/somen ga\r mh/te ou(\s fobh/somen, mh/te ou(\s fobhqw=men a)poleloipo/tes. a)lla\ *(rwmai/ois me/n, kai\ *karxhdoni/wn a)nh|rhme/nwn, e)piklusqe/ntes e(/teroi po/lemoi pro\s to\ swfronei=n h)/rkesan au)tou/s. tw=| ga\r basilei= e)s a)/deian proselqo/nti tou= poiei=n o(/ ti a)\n bou/lhtai, para/logoi/ tines a)rxai\ paqw=n th\n yuxh\n u(polabou=sai, pro\s u(perori/ous e)/ti kai\ a)topwte/ras o(rma/s te kai\ e)nergei/as th\n o(/lhn basilei/an e)ce/wsan. zh/tei o)pi/sw e)n toi=s tou= h peri\ *skhpi/wnos.
The first part of this entry (taken from an unknown source), as far as 'frightened', is unproblematic enough: see chi 504 and the notes there. But a series of difficulties begin at 'But for the Romans etc.'. I am grateful to Catharine Roth for discussing them with me.
[1] P.Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum. See the note at chi 504 (and John Briscoe in OCD4 s.v.).
[2] This seems to be editorial comment on how Scipio's prophecy worked out in fact. There are textual oddities, however, notably a me/n here without an answering de/; and see further, next note.
[3] Kuster could see no connection between this material and what has preceded it, and -- even if the connecting ga/r were emended to de/ -- one is tempted to agree. Who is this king/emperor and what is his kingdom/empire? There can be no certainty that he belongs within the same time-frame as the aftermath of the destruction of Carthage (146 BCE). But if he does, one might suggest Jugurtha of Numidia (adoptive son of mu 1046; grandson of mu 244, mu 245), at war with Rome between 112 and 104; see generally E.Badian in OCD4 s.v.
[4] This addendum, in the margin of ms.M, is a cross-reference to sigma 577, where the first vowel in Scipio's name is eta.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 May 2008@04:37:59.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (tweaked tr., added keywords, raised status) on 22 May 2008@07:28:40.
David Whitehead (augmented nn.3 and 4) on 22 May 2008@07:47:25.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 22 May 2008@10:44:19.
David Whitehead (modified n.4, thanks to Catharine Roth; typo) on 11 January 2011@03:24:46.
David Whitehead on 29 December 2013@08:49:50.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@11:30:05.


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