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Search results for sigma,601 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,601
Translated headword: Shadyfeet, Skiapods
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Antiphon in the [treatise] On Concord [sc. mentions them].[1] They are a Libyan people. Ktesias in his Round Tour of Asia says: "and beyond them [are] the Shadyfeet, who have very broad feet like geese, and whenever it is hot lie on their backs, raise their legs, and shade themselves with their feet".[2]
Greek Original:*skia/podes: *)antifw=n e)n tw=| *peri\ o(monoi/as. e)/qnos e)sti\ *libuko/n. *kthsi/as e)n tw=| *peri/plw| *)asi/as fhsi/n: u(pe\r de\ tou/twn *skia/podes, oi(\ tou/s te po/das w(s xh=nes e)/xousi ka/rta plate/as, kai\ o(/tan qe/rmh h)=|, u(/ptioi a)napeso/ntes, a)/rantes ta\ ske/lh skia/zontai toi=s posi/n.
From Harpokration s.v.
See also
sigma 600 and
tau 399.
[1] Antiphon (the sophist) 87 F45 Diels-Kranz.
[2] Ktesias FGrH 688 F60.
Keywords: definition; geography; historiography; medicine; philosophy; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 December 2000@07:35:50.
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