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Search results for sigma,600 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,600
Translated headword: Skiapodes, Shadow-feet
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A tribe in Libya, which has wide feet; [the people] who in the heat make shade for themselves with their feet.[1]
By the western ocean, near the burning region, [are the] Shadow-feet; they say that these have soles larger than their whole body; because they do not have houses, but are withered by the heat, walking on four feet they hold up one of their feet and shade the rest of their body. For their nature granted them this, since their land is level and rough and has no hollows for refuge from the heat.[2]
Greek Original:*skia/podes: e)n *libu/h| e)/qnos, platei=s e)/xon tou\s po/das: oi(\ e)n tw=| kau/mati e)k tw=n podw=n e(autoi=s skia\n poiou=si. peri\ to\n dutiko\n w)keano/n, pro\s th=| kekaume/nh| zw/nh| *skia/podes: tou/tous e)/xein bh/mata/ fasi tou= panto\s sw/matos mei/zona: dia\ de\ to\ mh\ e)/xein oi)/kous, a)ll' u(po\ tou= kau/matos a)nali/skesqai, tetrapodhdo\n badi/zontas, a)norqou=n to\n e(/teron tw=n podw=n kai\ kataskia/zein to\ loipo\n sw=ma. tou=to ga\r au)toi=s e)xari/sato h( fu/sis, i)/shs ou)/shs th=s gh=s au)tw=n kai\ traxei/as kai\ kata/dusin mh\ e)xou/shs ei)s a)pofugh\n tou= kau/matos.
Keywords: comedy; definition; geography; medicine; mythology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 January 2006@01:11:56.
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