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Search results for sigma,577 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,577
Translated headword: Scipio
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Scipio the Romans' general[1] tried to make treaties with Hannibal the Carthaginians' general.[2] When they met it was possible to see Scipio both impressive in body and haughty and naturally more charming than formidable; but Hannibal had a striking beauty mixed with a terrible and intense facial expression. As they did not agree in what was said;[3] but they were commanded swiftly to fall upon the Romans."[4]
"Certain men of the Carthaginians, who had been sent by Hannibal to spy on their opponents, fall upon the Romans; though they were angry with him, Publius did them no harm but ordered them to inspect the camp and after taking dinner to depart in safety, in order to report to Hannibal how matters stood for the Romans concerning the army."[5]
Greek Original:*skhpi/wn. o(/ti *skhpi/wn o( *(rwmai/wn strathgo\s pro\s *)anni/ban to\n *karxhdoni/wn strathgo\n e)poiei=to sumba/seis. h)=n de\ dh\ sunelqo/ntwn i)dei=n to\n me\n *skhpi/wna e)kpreph= te to\ sw=ma kai\ u(yhlo/frona kai\ pro\s to\ xari/en ma=llon h)\ fobero\n pefuko/ta: *)anni/ba| de\ ka/llos kataplhktiko\n h)=n tw=| deinw=| te kai\ sunestramme/nw| tou= prosw/pou memigme/non. ou) sumbaino/ntwn de\ e)pi\ toi=s ei)rhme/nois: a)lla\ ta/xos sumpi/ptein toi=s *(rwmai/ois diekeleu/onto. o(/ti a)/ndres tine\s *karxhdoni/wn e)pi\ kataskoph=| tw=n e)nanti/wn stale/ntes u(po\ *)anni/bou toi=s *(rwmai/ois peripi/ptousin: ou(\s a)xqe/ntas w(s au)to\n o( *po/plios kako\n me\n ou)de\n ei)rga/sato, perinosth=sai de\ keleu/ei to\ strato/pedon kai\ dei=pnon e(lome/nous a)poxwrei=n sw/|ous, a)paggelou=ntas *)anni/ba| ta\ peri\ th\n stratia\n w(s e)/xoi *(rwmai/ois.
[1] Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, 235-183 BCE. The name Scipio is spelled with iota at
sigma 616, but the alphabetical order guarantees the eta here; cf. anyway under
gamma 122,
kappa 445,
chi 505.
alpha 2452.
[3] Bernhardy indicated a lacuna at this point.
[4] The authorship of this passage is disputed. Valckenaer attributed it to
Polybius, but Gaisford disagreed, pointing out that
Polybius 15.5 already has the episode. Bernhardy assigned it to
Cassius Dio. Now Favuzzi [see under
alpha 1596] 203-205 finds vocabulary-based grounds for giving it to John of
[5] John of
Antioch fr.128 Roberto; already at
alpha 2452.
Keywords: biography; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 January 2011@01:39:16.
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