*skardamu/ttei: pukna\ tou\s o)fqalmou\s klei/ei kai\ a)noi/gei. para\ to\ skai/rein kai\ mu/ein tou\s o)fqalmou\s kai\ puknw=s blefari/zein.
[1] =
Synagoge sigma106,
Photius sigma281 Theodoridis; cf.
Hesychius sigma860, as well as the following for which the ultimate origin may be
Philoxenus (fr. 593): Orion [
Myth] 149,
Etymologicum Gudianum 501.40,
Etymologicum Magnum 716.4-7. The headword in this form -- present active indicative, third person singular, Attic or Atticizing dialect -- is attested outside lexicography only in
Parts of Animals 657b22 and 691a23.
[2] This additional sentence, Adler reports, is absent from mss AF, and only partially present in V. It also occurs in
alpha 4162. The etymology offered here (which may derive ultimately from
Philoxenus: see n. 1) is clearly fanciful, but no sounder alternative is known. See Chantraine,
DELG s.v.
No. of records found: 1
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