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Adler number: sigma,536
Translated headword: chervil
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Feminine [in gender].
[Meaning a] wild vegetable; after which they also call
Euripides a "chervil-seller;"[1] since they say that he is the son of a vegetable-selling woman.[2]
"Give me a chervil, having received it from your mother."[3]
"And don't give me the quasi-tragedy of the chervil-seller, who calls the water of Peirene 'venerable'."[4]
So 'chervil' [means] herbs, not the kind from gardens, but the kind that grow on their own,[5] as
Andocides says. "For may we never again see the charcoal-men from the mountains, and sheep and cattle and wagons coming into the city, and ladyfolk and elderly men and workers with their tools, nor may we ever eat wild herbs and chervils."[6]
Greek Original:*ska/ndic: qhluko/n. la/xanon a)/grion: par' o(\ kai\ skandikopw/lhn to\n *eu)ripi/dhn le/gousin: e)pei\ laxanopwlhtri/as ui(o\n au)to\n ei)=nai/ fasi. ska/ndika/ moi do/s, mhtro/qen dedegme/nos. kai\ mh/ moi ta\ tou= skandikopw/lou paratragw/|dei, semno\n to\ th=s *peirh/nhs u(/dwr a)pokalou=ntos. *ska/ndika ou)=n la/xana, ou) ta\ e)k tw=n khpi/wn, a)lla\ ta\ au)toma/tws fuo/mena, w(/s fhsin *)andoki/dhs. mh\ ga\r i)/doime/n pote pa/lin e)k tw=n o)re/wn tou\s a)nqrakeuta\s h(/kontas, kai\ pro/bata kai\ bou=s kai\ ta\s a(ma/cas ei)s to\ a)/stu, kai\ gu/naia kai\ presbute/rous a)/ndras kai\ e)rga/tas e)coplizome/nous, mhde\ a)/gria la/xana kai\ ska/ndikas e)/ti fa/goimen.
A good deal of the material in this entry has parallels in the
scholia to
Aristophanes: see n. 3 below.
[1] Up to this point the entry (minus the comment on the noun's gender) =
Diogenianus 8.20. The only literary attestations of the epithet 'chervil-seller' come in the quotation below (see n. 4) and in a comic papyrus fragment of unidentified authorship (
Comica adespota fr. 2 Demianczuk, now 421 K.-A.).
[2] Up to this point the entry (minus the comment on the noun's gender) =
Hesychius sigma844,
Photius phi277 Theodoridis.
Acharnians 478; cf.
delta 753.
[4] Quotation unidentifiable. (Adler tentatively suggests Julian.)
Euripides calls the water of the Corinthian spring Peirene
se/mnon ('venerable') at
Medea 69.
[5] After the intervening quotation (n. 4), this is commentary on the
Acharnians line, where this accusative case has been used; and cf.
Lexica Segueriana 193.19, 305.19.
Andocides fr. 3.4, referring to the deprivations endured by the Athenians during the early years of the Peloponnesian War; cf. generally
Thucydides 2.14-17.
J. Demianczuk (1912) Supplementum comicum. Krakow (repr. Hildesheim, 1967).
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; children; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; imagery; poetry; politics; rhetoric; science and technology; stagecraft; trade and manufacture; tragedy; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 February 2014@08:39:30.
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