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Search results for sigma,53 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,53
Translated headword: having vacillated
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] having deliberated. "Having vacillated a great deal in himself he threw a die [ = took a gamble] lucky for the time being." And elsewhere: "having made the others vacillate late into the critical hours for decision, and yet that (?it) was close to their perishing." And elsewhere: "when he saw his entire luck vacillating in it."[1] Meaning changing sides.
Greek Original:*saleu/sas: bouleusa/menos. polla\ dh\ kaq' e(auto\n saleu/sas a)ne/rriyen e)k tw=n paro/ntwn eu)tuxh= ku/bon. kai\ au)=qis: tou\s de\ a)/llous e)p' o)yi/as th=s a)kmh=s saleu/sas, kai\ me/ntoi tw=| a)pole/sqai o(mou= ei)=nai. kai\ au)=qis: h(ni/ka e(w/ra saleu/ousan au)th=| th\n tu/xhn pa=san. a)nti\ tou= metapi/ptousan.
This verb (for which see already
sigma 52) is used, intransitively or transitively (causatively), of ships tossing in the waves and vibrating machines, and in various metaphorical senses, as here. For the metaphor of tossing dice for taking risks in war, politics (
Laws 12.968C) or life, see
alpha 2310; cf.
alpha 1312,
alpha 2273,
epsilon 695,
epsilon 3006,
epsilon 3013,
kappa 2591,
kappa 2601,
kappa 2602,
tau 1006.
The three quotations are assigned to
Aelian as fragments 320, 321 and 322 Domingo-Foraste (323 and 324 Hercher) respectively. The second has an unexplained infinitive construction that defies satisfactory translation.
[1] 'It' is perhaps a battle.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 6 December 2000@10:25:40.
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