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Headword: *sisi/nnios
Adler number: sigma,482
Translated headword: Sisinnios, Sisinnius
Vetting Status: high
This man became a bishop of [the] Novatians,[1] an extremely eloquent man, learned both in philosophical doctrines and in sacred scriptures, and ready for logical disputes, so that even Eunomios, who was well-regarded in such matters and made this his work, often begged off disputes with him. He was self-controlled in his way of life, so as to be above criticism; but in his lifestyle luxurious and diverse, so those who did not know him doubted whether he could practice self-control in the midst of such luxury. His character was witty and pleasant in conversation, and because of this he was liked by the bishops of the catholic church and by those with political authority and literary accomplishment. He was very well able to tease with grace and to accept teasing and to remain free of hatred and to reply cleverly and quickly to questions. So when once someone asked him, why, being a bishop, he bathed twice a day, he answered, because he couldn't manage a third time. And since he continually wore a white garment, someone from the catholic church mocked him for this, but he replied to him, "So you tell me, where is it written that one should wear a black garment?" And when the questioner was puzzled about his reply, Sisinnios added, "But you will not be able to prove that a man in priestly orders should wear black; but even Solomon has advised me, saying, 'Let your cloaks be white.' And the Savior in the Gospels appears wearing a white garment. Not only so, but he showed to his apostles Moses and Elijah both dressed in white." I think Sisinnios also said other witty things, including the following. For Leontios the bishop of Ankyra in Galatia, where a church had been taken away from the Novatians, was visiting in Constantinople, [Sisinnios] went to him and begged him to give the church back. But when he did not restore it, but reviled the Novatians as not being worthy to have churches, saying that they took away repentance and the loving-kindness of God. But Sisinnios said, "Truly, no one repents like me." When [Leontios] asked in return, "How do you repent?" Sisinnios answered, "That I am visiting you." And they report much other well-aimed repartee of his. They say that many not unsubtle speeches are attributed to him. He was praised especially for his speaking, as performing excellently, and being prepared to captivate the audience with voice and glance and charming countenance. With such a nature and conduct and life-style was Sisinnios endowed.
Greek Original:
*sisi/nnios: ou(=tos e)pi/skopos e)ge/neto *nauatianw=n, a)nh\r e)llo/gimos o(/ti ma/lista kai\ tw=n filoso/fwn dogma/twn kai\ tw=n i(erw=n bi/blwn e)pisth/mwn kai\ pro\s diale/ceis e(/toimos: w(s kai\ *eu)no/mion e)pi\ tau/tais eu)dokimou=nta kai\ tou=to e)/rgon poiou/menon polla/kis paraith/sasqai tou\s pro\s au)to\n dialo/gous. e)ge/neto de\ sw/frwn to\n bi/on, w(s krei/ttwn ei)=nai diabolh=s: peri\ de\ th\n di/aitan a(bro\s kai\ poiki/los, w(s tou\s a)gnoou=ntas a)pistei=n, ei) swfronei=n du/naito, tosou=ton trufw=n. to\ de\ h)=qos h)=n xari/eis kai\ h(du\s e)n tai=s sunousi/ais, kai\ dia\ tau=ta toi=s e)pisko/pois th=s kaqo/lou e)kklhsi/as kai\ toi=s e)n a)rxh=| kai\ lo/gw| kataqu/mios h)=n. skw/ptein de\ su\n xa/riti kai\ skwmma/twn a)ne/xesqai kai\ a)pexqei/as e)kto\s u(pome/nein komyw=s te su\n ta/xei pro\s ta\s e)rwth/seis a)panta=n eu)= ma/la e)pithdei/ws ei)=xen. e)rwthqei\s ou)=n pote, o(/tou e(/neka deu/teron lou/oito e)pi/skopos w)/n, o(/ti mh\ tri/ton, e)/fh, fqa/nw. e)pei\ de\ leukh=| e)sqh=ti diete/lei xrw/menos, e)pe/skwye/ tis au)tw=| tw=n a)po\ th=s kaqo/lou e)kklhsi/as. o( de\ pro\s au)to/n: ou)kou=n ei)pe/, pou= ei)/rhtai e)sqh=ta me/lainan xrh=nai a)mfie/nnusqai. tou= de\ a)porh/santos, u(polabw\n e)/fh: su\ me/n, e)/fh, ou)k a)\n tou=to e)pidei=cai dunh/sh|: e)moi\ de\ kai\ *solomw\n o( sofw/tatos, e)/stwsa/n soi i(ma/tia leuka/, parainei=, le/gwn: kai\ au)to\s o( *xristo\s leuxei/mwn e)n toi=s *eu)aggeli/ois faino/menos, *mwsh=n te kai\ *)hli/an toiou/tous toi=s a)posto/lois deiknu/s. ou) mh\n a)lla\ ka)kei=no tw=n ei)rhme/nwn *sisinni/w| xa/rien oi)=mai. e)nedh/mei me\n ga\r th=| *kwnstantinoupo/lei *leo/ntios, o( th=s para\ *gala/tais *)agku/ras e)pi/skopos. e)kklhsi/as de\ tw=n e)kei=se *nauatianw=n a)fh|rhme/nhs, h(=ke pro\s au)to/n, a)polabei=n tau/thn deo/menos. e)pei\ de\ ou)k a)pedi/dou, e)loidorei=to de\ toi=s *nauatianoi=s w(s ou)k a)ci/ws e)kklhsia/zein, meta/noian kai\ th\n para\ qeou= filanqrwpi/an a)nairei=n au)tou\s le/gwn, a)lla\ mh/n, e)/fh *sisi/nnios, ou)dei\s ou(/tws w(s e)gw\ metanoei=. e)rome/nou de\ *leonti/ou ti/na tro/pon, o(/ti se teqe/amai, a)pekri/nato. kai\ e(/tera de\ polla\ au)tou= eu)sto/xws ei)rhme/na a)pomnhmoneu/ousin. ou)k a)ko/myous te pollou\s lo/gous au)tou= fe/resqai/ fasin. e)ph|nei=to de\ ma=llon le/gwn, w(s a)/rista u(pokrino/menos, fwnh=| te kai\ ble/mmati kai\ xariesta/tw| prosw/pw| to\n a)kroath\n e(lei=n i(kano/s. toiau/ths e)/laxe fu/sews a)gwgh=s te kai\ bi/ou *sisi/nnios.
Sozomenus, Ecclesiastical History 8.1; cf. Socrates, Ecclesiastical History 5.10 and especially 6.22
[1] See nu 51, sigma 481.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; clothing; daily life; ethics; geography; historiography; history; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 August 2009@00:53:46.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented primary note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 31 August 2009@06:17:51.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 29 December 2013@05:22:42.


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