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Search results for sigma,468 in Adler number:
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Headword: *siw/n
Adler number: sigma,468
Translated headword: Sion, Zion
Vetting Status: high
A name of a city.[1]
"Sion in the heavens and Jerusalem adorned with choruses of saints; its gates are the churches below."[2]
Sion [is] also the pious community.[3]
Also [sc. attested is] *siwni=tai ["Sionites"], [meaning] those from the city of Sion.[4]
Greek Original:
*siw/n: o)/noma po/lews. *siw\n e)poura/nios kai\ *(ierousalh\m xoroi=s a(gi/wn kekosmhme/nh: h(=s pu/lai ai( ka/tw e)kklhsi/ai. *siw\n kai\ h( eu)sebh\s politei/a. kai\ *siwni=tai, oi( a)po\ th=s *siw\n po/lews.
[1] Likewise, according to Adler, in the Ambrosian Lexicon (388).
[2] Adler cites Theodoret, Commentary on the Psalms PG 80.928c (on Psalm 9.15 LXX), which is similar in thought but not in language; perhaps from a parallel or derivative commentary on the same passage.
[3] Reminiscent of another passage in Theodoret, Commentary on the Psalms PG 80.1216 (on Psalm 107.13-14 LXX); Th.'s is in the neuter, to\ eu)sebe\s poli/teuma.
[4] Similarly, according to Adler, in the Ambrosian Lexicon (362).
Keywords: architecture; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; imagery; poetry; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 February 2014@15:57:27.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 16 February 2014@17:25:17.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 17 February 2014@03:15:20.
David Whitehead (codings) on 26 May 2016@03:29:37.


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