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Adler number: sigma,465
Translated headword: Sinope
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A city [of that name].[1]
Also a courtesan [of that name] who was also called
Abydos on account of her being an old woman.[2]
Also a proverb,
sinwpi/sai ["to Sinopize"]. This was created from the courtesan
Sinope: for she was ridiculed for behaving shamefully, just as
Alexis said.[3]
And [a] Sinopitan.
Greek Original:*sinw/ph: po/lis. kai\ e(tai/ra, h(/tis kai\ *)/abudos e)le/geto dia\ to\ grau=s ei)=nai. kai\ paroimi/a, *sinwpi/sai. tou=to pepoi/htai para\ th\n e(tai/ran *sinw/phn: e)kwmw|dei=to ga\r e)pi\ tw=| katasxhmonh=sai, kaqa/per *)/alecis e)/fh. kai\ *sinwpi/ths.
[1] On the southern shore of the Black Sea. See generally OCD4 s.v.
[2] Harpokration s.v. (from which this part of the entry derives) attributes this material to Herodicus,
People Satirized in Comedy (fr. 1 During; see generally OCD4 s.v.). The point of the change of name, or nickname, was evidently that
Abydos was a city in a more decrepit state than
Alexis fr. 104 Kock, now 109 K.-A.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; proverbs; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 December 2000@16:48:40.
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