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Search results for sigma,463 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,463
Translated headword: of Sinon, Sinon's
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and Sin(n)onis, proper names. "As Soraikhos has just departed, Sinnonis is on the scene."
Greek Original:*si/nwnos. kai\ *sinnwni/s, o)no/mata kuri/a. a)/rti de\ a)phrko/tos tou= *sorai/xou, h( *sinnwni\s e)fi/statai.
The primary headword appears to be the genitive of a masculine name, quoted from somewhere. The best-known Sinon is a 'character in literature and mythology, a Greek who claimed falsely to have deserted from the Greek forces at
Troy and who inveigled the Trojans into taking the Trojan Horse inside the walls of
Troy; he then later released the Greek heroes from the Horse and joined them in sacking the city' (OCD4 s.v.).
The extra material (missing from mss AF) then adds a feminine name (spelled with a varying number of n's), from
Babyloniaca. See already
alpha 3179,
sigma 789.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; mythology; poetry; tragedy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 August 2011@17:21:12.
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