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Search results for sigma,423 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,423
Translated headword: silphium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A fragrant root growing in Libya, [used as] both a seasoning and a medicine. The variety from Cyrene is the best. They use the juice and the root and the stalk of silphium. It is a small plant. Aristaios [Aristaeus] first discovered the utility of silphium, just as [he also discovered] that of honey.[1]
Greek Original:*si/lfion: r(i/za h(du/osmos, e)n *libu/h| ginome/nh, a)rtutikh\ kai\ qerapeutikh/: kalli/sth de\ h( *kurhnai+kh/. o(/ti tw=| o)pw=| kai\ th=| r(i/zh| kai\ tw=| kaulw=| tou= silfi/ou e)xrw=nto: e)/sti de\ futa/rion. *)aristai=os de\ prw=tos eu(=re th\n tou= silfi/ou e)rgasi/an, w(/sper kai\ tou= me/litos.
Dalby, A. Siren Feasts. London: Routledge: 1996, pp.86-87.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; botany; chronology; comedy; definition; food; geography; medicine; mythology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 18 December 2000@14:30:26.
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