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Adler number: sigma,422
Translated headword: silphium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A highly esteemed plant. Here [is] the reason. Battos, also known as
Aristoteles, founded a city in Libya called Cyrene. When the Cyreneans wished to thank their king for his benevolence, they created a signet-ring on which their city [was shown] bringing silphium to the king. Its leaf and fruit and shoot and juice are all very valuable. And the Ampeliotes, a Libyan people, dedicated a shaft of silphium at
See under "the silphium of Battos."[2]
Greek Original:*si/lfios: bota/nh poluti/mhtos. h( de\ ai)ti/a au(/th. *ba/ttos, o( kai\ *)aristote/lhs, po/lin e)n *libu/h| *kurh/nhn legome/nhn e)/ktisen. oi( de\ *kurhnai=oi boulo/menoi a)ntapo/dosin th=s eu)ergesi/as xari/sasqai tw=| basilei= e)poi/hsan daktu/lion, e)n w(=| h( po/lis au)tw=n prosfe/rei tw=| basilei= to\ si/lfion. kai\ to\ fu/llon de\ au)tou= kai\ o( karpo\s kai\ o( kla/dos kai\ o( o)po\s pollh=s timh=s e)stin a)/cion. kai\ oi( *)ampeliw=tai, e)/qnh *libu/hs, ei)s *delfou\s a)ne/qesan kaulo\n silfi/ou. zh/tei e)n tw=| *ba/ttou si/lfion.
OCD4 s.v. Cyrene and s.v. pharmacology
Dalby, A. Siren Feasts. London: Routledge: 1996, pp.86-87
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Keywords: aetiology; biography; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; history; medicine; religion
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 18 December 2000@14:39:15.
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