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Search results for sigma,402 in Adler number:
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Headword: *sikuw/n
Adler number: sigma,402
Translated headword: Sikyon, Sicyon
Vetting Status: high
[A name for] the [territory] that is now called Hellas, which was first ruled by Aigialeus. And the kingdom lasted for 981 years.[1]
It keeps [sc. the omega in the oblique cases][2].
Greek Original:
*sikuw/n: h( nu=n *(ella\s kaloume/nh, h(=s prw=tos e)basi/leusen *ai)gialeu/s. kai\ dih/rkesen h( basilei/a e)/th #5pa#. fula/ttei.
[1] cf. Georgius Syncellus (ed. Mosshammer) 109.26-7, 110.20-1, 178.3; Malalas (ed. Thurn) 48.12-3; Cedrenus 1.144.5-8. For Aigialeus see alphaiota 38. Strabo 8.6.10: "Menelaus took possession of Laconia, while Agamemnon received Mycenae and the regions as far as Sikyon and Corinth and the country which at that time was called the country of the Ionians and Aigialians, later that of the Achaeans". For this Sikyon, in the NE Peloponnese, cf. sigma 403. The chronographers' "Hellas" is perhaps an error for, or corruption of, Helike (cf. Homer, Iliad 2.575: "through all Aigialos and around broad Helike").
[2] Adler cites Lexicon Ambrosianum 334, cf. 401.
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; history; mythology
Translated by: Kostas Zafeiris on 10 August 2004@12:03:14.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (supplemented translation, added keyword) on 10 August 2004@23:33:11.
David Whitehead (augmented headword, notes, keywords; cosmetics) on 11 August 2004@03:35:13.
David Whitehead on 24 December 2013@06:42:17.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 20 October 2014@01:51:42.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 20 October 2014@02:37:57.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note 1) on 20 October 2014@21:26:29.


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