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Headword: *sikeli/zein
Adler number: sigma,389
Translated headword: to play the Sicilian
Vetting Status: high
The [verb that means] to be severe in Epicharmus,[1] though some [say it means] to be a villain.[2]
They say that a Pythian oracle came to Archidamos, son of Agesilaos, [warning him] to be on his guard against 'Sicily'. And [the story goes that] he regarded the island [of that name] with caution; and he lost his life fighting on the three-legged crest in Attica which bears this name, Sicily.[3]
Greek Original:
*sikeli/zein: to\ au)sthreu/esqai para\ *)epixa/rmw|, oi( de\ ponhreu/esqai. fasi\n *)aghsila/ou *)arxida/mw| gene/sqai puqo/xrhston, *sikeli/an fula/ttesqai. kai\ to\n me\n th\n nh=son e)/xein di' eu)labei/as: kai\ e)s to\n triskelh= lo/fon kata\ th\n *)attikh/n, w(=| kei=tai tou=to to\ o)/noma *sikeli/a, kate/luse to\n bi/on maxo/menos.
[1] Epicharmus fr. 206 Kaibel, now 207 K.-A.
[2] LSJ s.v. has another (musical) meaning.
[3] cf. generally Pausanias 8.11.12 (see under alpha 2452), but the present material has significant differences and was attributed by Hemsterhuys to Aelian. King Archidamos III of Sparta (ruled 360-338) actually died in Italy (Diodorus Siculus 16.88.3-4).
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 June 2007@08:43:23.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 7 June 2007@10:53:11.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; augmented n.3) on 8 June 2007@03:12:05.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 17 August 2011@10:32:41.
David Whitehead on 21 December 2014@11:19:13.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 17 February 2022@23:44:58.


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