Suda On Line
Search results for sigma,357 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,357
Translated headword: Colophonian Sibyl, Kolophonian Sibyl
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Who was also called Lampousa, descended from Kalkhas.[1] She too[2] [wrote] prophecies and oracles in verses, and other things.[3]
Greek Original:*si/bulla *kolofwni/a, h(/tis e)klh/qh kai\ *la/mpousa, a)po/gonos *ka/lxantos. kai\ au)th\ mantei/as kai\ xrhsmou\s di' e)pw=n, kai\ a)/lla.
For the block of Suda entries (mainly from
Hesychius of Miletus) on Sybils see
sigma 354 through
sigma 362; and generally OCD4 1360-61.
Kolophon see
kappa 1956.
[1] The seer who accompanied the Greek forces to
[2] cf.
sigma 356.
Pausanias (10.12.5) seems to identify the Colophonian Sibyl with the Marpessian Sibyl, Herophile.
Parke, H.W. Sibyls and Sibylline Prophecy in Classical Antiquity. Routledge: USA. 1988
Keywords: biography; geography; meter and music; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 February 2000@01:08:05.
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