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Headword: *si/bulla
Adler number: sigma,355
Translated headword: Sibyl, Sibylla
Vetting Status: high
[The daughter] of Apollo and Lamia, though according to some of Aristokrates and Hydale, while others say of Krinagoras and Hermippos says of Theodoros. An Erythraian, because she was born in a region of Erythrai[1] which is called Batoi; but now the place itself founded [there] is called Erythrai. Some supposed her a Sicilian [Sibyl], others a Leucanian, others a Sardanan, others a Gergithian, others a Rhodian, others a Libyan, others a Samian. She lived in the times 483 years after the fall of Troy, and she assembled these books: On Vibrations; Songs; Oracles. It is said she was the first to invent a triangular type of lyre.[2]
Greek Original:
*si/bulla, *)apo/llwnos kai\ *lami/as, kata\ de/ tinas *)aristokra/tous kai\ *(uda/lhs, w(s de\ a)/lloi *krinago/rou, w(s de\ *(/ermippos *qeodw/rou. *)eruqrai/a, para\ to\ texqh=nai e)n xwri/w| tw=n *)eruqrw=n, o(\ proshgoreu/eto *ba/toi: nu=n de\ au)to\ to\ xwri/on polisqe\n *)eruqrai\ prosagoreu/ontai. tine\s de\ au)th\n *sikelh/n, a)/lloi *leukanh/n, a)/lloi *sarda/nhn, a)/lloi *gergiqi/an, a)/lloi de\ *(rodi/an, a)/lloi *li/bussan, a)/lloi *sami/an e)do/casan. ge/gone de\ toi=s xro/nois th=s *trwi+kh=s a(lw/sews meta\ upg# e)/th, kai\ suneta/cato bibli/a tau=ta: *peri\ palmw=n, me/lh, xrhsmou/s. le/getai de\ kai\ tri/gwnon ei)=dos lu/ras au)th\n prw=ton eu(rei=n.
For the block of Suda entries (mainly from Hesychius of Miletus) on Sibyls see sigma 354 through sigma 362; and generally OCD4 1360-61.
[1] In Ionia.
[2] Strictly speaking the trigonos was a type of harp, not lyre. See M.L. West, Ancient Greek Music (Oxford 1992) 72-3, 76-7.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; meter and music; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 10 February 2000@15:07:41.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keyword) on 16 January 2001@05:29:29.
David Whitehead (modified translation) on 22 February 2002@05:12:27.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 May 2011@05:27:11.
David Whitehead on 24 December 2013@04:30:34.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@10:31:31.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 5 March 2020@00:55:16.


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