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Search results for sigma,323 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,323
Translated headword: standards to be raised on either side
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. The idiom is used] in
Thucydides. They used to have certain symbols, which [were] shown at the time of battle. And when they lifted up the symbols, they began the battle; but when they drew them down, they stopped.
Greek Original:*shmei=a a)rqh=nai e(kate/rois: para\ *qoukudi/dh|. su/mbola/ tina ei)=xon, a(\ kata\ to\n kairo\n th=s ma/xhs deiknu/mena. kai\ o(/te me\n a)netei/neto ta\ su/mbola, h)/rxonto th=s ma/xhs: o(/te de\ katespw=nto, e)pau/onto.
The body of the entry, after 'in
Thucydides', comes from the
scholia to
Thucydides 1.49.1 (on the sea-battle of
Sybota, 433 BCE), where a specific form of the headword phrase appears:
ta\ shmei=a e(kate/rois h)/rqh ("the standards on either side were raised").
Contrary to Gomme's note on the passage, which refers to trumpets, some sort of visual signal is implied; or at least, if trumpets are involved, they are secondary. For the same in land-warfare, see 1.63.2.
Keywords: definition; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 28 October 2013@16:44:20.
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