[Meaning] I interpret, I recognize through indications.
Sophocles [writes]: "some things I infer, but others I am confounded about and do not have a means of understanding." Or 'I infer' [meaning] I put together for himself[1] certain indications from the track, but otherwise I am at a loss; since this sort of thing happens in the case of trackers, when the tracks are arranged.[2] Ajax's gait has become difficult to track and disturbed because of his madness.
*shmai/nomai: shmati/zomai, dia\ shmei/wn ginw/skw. *sofoklh=s: kai\ ta\ me\n shmai/nomai, ta\ d' e)kpe/plhgmai kou)k e)/xw maqei=n o(/tou. h)\ shmai/nomai, a)nti\ tou= shmei=a e(autw=| tina sunti/qhmi a)po\ tou= i)/xnous, to\ de\ a)porw=: e)pei\ toiou=ton sumbai/nei peri\ tou\s i)xneuta/s, e)pitattome/nwn tw=n i)xnw=n. dia\ de\ th\n mani/an dusi/xneutos kai\ e)pitetaragme/nh h( ba/sis ge/gone tou= *ai)/antos.
Ajax 32-33, with the glossing of the
scholia there. The last word of the quotation varies between
o(/tou and
o(/pou in the mss of
Sophocles, and between
o(/tou and
o(/sou in the mss of the Suda. Adler chooses
o(/tou on the authority of ms F. Among editors of
Sophocles, Pearson (who reports the reading of the Suda incorrectly) chooses
o(/tou, whereas Lloyd-Jones and Wilson go for
o(/pou. The difference in meaning is slight.
[1] The
scholia (and some Suda mss) have the required 'for myself',
e)mautw=|, but Adler chooses to print
[2] This adjective,
e)pitattome/nwn, in some Suda mss (Adler reports several variants) is probably an error for the
e)pitarattome/nwn ('disturbed') found in the
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