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Search results for sigma,316 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,316
Translated headword: standards
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] what are called among Romans signa.[1]
"Although all the Romans carried idols on their standards, Constantine carried the form of a cross."[2]
"The standards of the Romans escaped together to a hill; and when all had given their opinions, Scipio said [...] 'When they take counsel anew, and give more consideration to suffer nothing than to do harm to their enemies [...]'."[3]
Greek Original:*shmai=ai: ta\ para\ *(rwmai/ois lego/mena si/gna. pa/ntwn ge mh\n tw=n *(rwmai/wn e)pi\ tw=n shmaiw=n ei)/dwla fero/ntwn, o( *kwnstanti=nos staurou= tu/pon e)/feren. ai( de\ shmai=ai tw=n *(rwmai/wn sunepefeu/gesan ei)s bouno/n: kai\ pa/ntwn do/ntwn gnw/mas o( *skipi/wn e)/fh, o(/tan e)c a)kerai/ou bouleu/wntai, kai\ plei/w poiei=sqai pro/noian tou= mhde\n paqei=n h)\ tou= dra/sai kakw=s tou\s e)xqrou/s.
[1] cf.
scholia on Gregory of Nazianzus PG 36.1221c (and the
Gregory Lexicon, s.v.
su/nqhma). For the Latin word
signa, see also
sigma 315.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable (but for Constantine the Great see generally
kappa 2284,
kappa 2285).
Polybius 36.8.5, preserved only here.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 April 2008@16:29:21.
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