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Search results for sigma,302 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,302
Translated headword: precinct, stump
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The inner chamber of the shrine, a temple, a house, a tomb.
"Entering the precinct of the captives they ordered [someone] to announce [...]".[1] Meaning [entering] the house.
They also apply the word to olive-trees,[2] for
Lysias says: "he farmed for two years and [had taken over] no olive-tree, whether private or
sekos [stump]".[3] So perhaps they call private [trees] "olives" and public ones "moriai"; and it seems that "stump" and "moria" are their names for the same thing.[4]
Greek Original:*shko/s: o( e)ndo/teros oi)=kos tou= i(erou=, nao/s, oi)=kos, ta/fos. parageno/menoi de\ ei)s to\n shko\n tw=n ai)xmalw/twn e)ke/leuon khru/ttein. a)nti\ tou= ei)s to\n oi)=kon. ta/ttousi de\ to\ o)/noma kai\ e)pi\ e)lai/as: le/gei ga\r *lusi/as: o(\s du/o e)/th e)gew/rghsen ou)/te i)di/an e)lai/an ou)/te mori/an ou)/te shko/n. mh/pote ou)=n ta\s me\n i)diwtika\s e)lai/as kalou=si, ta\s de\ dhmosi/as mori/as. shko\n de/, w(s e)/oike, kai\ mori/an o)noma/zousi th\n au)th/n.
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Keywords: architecture; biography; botany; definition; historiography; law; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 November 2001@03:16:18.
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