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Adler number: sigma,295
Translated headword: Seth
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The son of Adam. Concerning him it is said: "And the sons of God went in to the daughters of mankind" (that is, the daughters of Cain).[1] For the men of that time called Seth a god because he had invented the Hebrew letters and the names of the stars.[2] Besides, they admired his great piety. He was the first to be surnamed and called a god, just as the Lord also says to
Moses: "I have given you as a god to Pharaoh."[3] And concerning the virtuous and spiritual men and the judges he said: "You shall not revile the gods, and you shall not speak evil of the leader of your people."[4] With reason therefore the children of Seth and Enos and
Enoch were considered sons of God or sons of the gods according to
Symmachus. Overcome by licentiousness they went in to the daughters of Cain. From these unlawful unions the giants were born. Because of the just [ancestor] they were strong and tall, but because of the unjust and impure [ancestor] they were wicked and extremely evil.[5]
Greek Original:*sh/q: ui(o\s *)ada/m. peri\ tou/tou ei)/rhtai: kai\ ei)sh=lqon oi( ui(oi\ tou= qeou= pro\s ta\s qugate/ras tw=n a)nqrw/pwn. h)/toi ta\s a)po\ tou= *ka/i+n. qeo\n ga\r to\n *sh\q oi( to/te a)/nqrwpoi proshgo/reuon dia\ to\ e)ceurhke/nai ta/ te *(ebrai+ka\ gra/mmata ta/s te tw=n a)ste/rwn o)nomasi/as: kai\ pro\s tou/tois th\n pollh\n eu)se/beian au)tou= qauma/santes. o(/s ge kai\ prw=tos e)pikalei=sqai qeo\s kai\ o)noma/zesqai. kaqa\ kai\ tw=| *mwu+sei= le/gei ku/rios: qeo\n de/dwka/ se tw=| *faraw/|. kai\ peri\ tw=n e)nare/twn kai\ pneumatikw=n kai\ tw=n kritw=n e)/fh: qeou\s ou) kakologh/seis kai\ a)/rxonta tou= laou= sou ou)k e)rei=s kakw=s. ei)ko/tws ou)=n oi( tou= *sh\q kai\ *)enw\s kai\ *)enw\x pai=des ui(oi\ qeou= h)\ ui(oi\ tw=n qew=n kata\ *su/mmaxon noei/sqwsan, oi(/tines a(lo/ntes a)kolasi/a| pro\s ta\s qugate/ras *ka/i+n ei)sh=lqon, e)c w(=n oi( th=s katallh/lou miaigami/as gi/nontai gi/gantes, dia\ me\n to\n di/kaion i)sxuroi\ kai\ me/gistoi, dia\ de\ to\n a)/dikon kai\ be/bhlon ponhroi\ kai\ ka/kistoi.
Genesis 6.2ff.
[2] On the invention of the Hebrew alphabet, see also
alpha 69.
Exodus 7:1.
Exodus 22:27.
[5] George the Monk,
Chronicon 43.14, 44.2-16; cf.
mu 1037.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; Christianity; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 February 2002@15:06:22.
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