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Adler number: sigma,283
Translated headword: seirinon, sirinon, dog-day-cloak
Vetting Status: high
Translation: 'seirinon' is what they used to call a light cloak loosely woven,[1] like a summer-cloak;[2] according to what the lexicographers say. But also [sc. attested is]
seirh/n, a light and diaphanous tunic,[3] suitable at the time when Sirius is [sc. rising].[4] There is also Seiris, an Italian city.[5] And perhaps
Lycurgus in
On the Administration called the textiles from there, or[6] certain others, [seirina]. In some [sc. writers it is spelled] without the 'i', and it is written
Greek Original:*sei/rinon: sei/rinon e)ka/loun lepto\n i(ma/tion a)spa/qhton, oi(=on qe/ristron: kaqa/ fasin oi( glwssogra/foi. kai\ seirh\n de\ o( lepto\s kai\ diafanh\s xitw/n, eu)/qetos to/te, o(/te e)sti\n o( sei/rios. e)/sti de\ kai\ *sei=ris, po/lis *)italikh/. kai\ ta/xa ta\ e)/nqen u(fa/smata, ei)/ tina a)/lla, *lukou=rgos ei)=pen e)n tw=| *peri\ th=s dioikh/sews. e)n e)ni/ois me\n xwri\s tou= i gra/fetai de\ se/rina.
Lexicon sigma120 (s.v.
seirh=na), a close paraphrase of Harpokration (epitome) sigma2 Keaney, s.v.
sei/rina, the plural form of the present entry's neuter headword. There is much variation in the mss. of all three lexica in the spelling of the primary headword and some of the secondary ones as well. For more on the issues, see Theodoridis on
Photius ad loc. Apparently the point of Harpokration's entry was that the Athenian orator
Lycurgus (fr. 5.10 Conomis) used the term in a sense that was not covered by the lexicographers. The present headword is otherwise unattested outside lexicographers.
On the garment(s) in question Theodoridis cites Gow's comments in his edition of
Idylls 15.21.
[1] cf.
Hesychius sigma340 (s.v.
[2] cf.
Hesychius sigma342, where a
seiro/n is defined as a word used by Sikyonians for a man's summer-cloak.
[3] cf.
Hesychius sigma342.
[4] cf. generally
sigma 275,
sigma 284,
sigma 285.
[5] cf.
sigma 476.
[6] Reading
h)/ ('or') with Harpokration in place of the Suda's
ei); cf. Theodoridis on
Photius sigma120.
[7] The point being made here is rendered unclear by different formulations of it in the different lexica. In Harpokration Keaney prints "it is written without the 'e', [i.e.] sirina". The mss of
Photius (noted by Theodoridis) have
serh=na or
se/rhna. The Suda version evidently intends to highlight a seirina/serina distinction.
Keywords: chronology; clothing; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 October 2013@11:36:41.
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