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Headword: *seirai=s
Adler number: sigma,278
Translated headword: with lassos
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] with plaited cords.[1]
"And a race of Parthians, those who are called 'lasso-carrying'. They fight on horseback, whirling lassos of cord. Having approached the enemy, they cast the nooses made from the cords and, turning about, forcefully urge their horses back again, [and] by the pull of the horse they drag off those captured in the nooses dead or alive".[2]
Greek Original:
*seirai=s: plektoi=s i(ma=si. kai\ ge/nos *pa/rqwn, oi( seirofo/roi kalou/menoi. ma/xontai de\ a)po\ i(/ppwn, seira\s i(ma/ntwn e(li/ssontes: pela/santes de\ toi=s polemi/ois e)fia=si tou\s a)po\ tw=n i(ma/ntwn bro/xous a)postre/yante/s te tou\s i(/ppous o)pi/sw biai/ws e)lau/nousi. tou\s de\ a(lo/ntas toi=s bro/xois th=| r(u/mh| tou= i(/ppou a)poqano/ntas h)\ zw=ntas e(/lkousi.
[1] The headword and glossing phrase derive from the Synagoge sigma39 (Cunningham), which is also the source for Photius, Lexicon s.v. (Porson 503.25, now sigma115 Theodoridis -- with, to be sure, a slightly different gloss: leptoi=s i(ma=sin). See similarly Hesychius sigma337 (Hansen). The headword is the dative plural of the feminine noun seira/ (sigma 274). This form does not occur in the quotation given here and must be extracted from another source: extant possibilities are numerous, but a likely one (championed by Theodoridis) is Proverbs 5.22 LXX, which generated patristic comment.
[2] A conjectured fragment of Arrian's Parthica (fr. 20 Roos). Greek and Roman authors report the military use of lassos among nomadic pastoralists of the Steppe, including the Sarmatians (e.g. Herodotus 7.85; Pomponius Mela 1.114; Pausanias 1.21.5) and Alans (Josephus, Jewish War 7.7.4 [250]). The application of the adjective seirofo/ros, "lasso-carrying", to the Parthians is unique to this entry. See sigma 287 for an alternative context.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Philip Rance on 24 April 2012@03:17:59.
Vetted by:
Philip Rance (Notes; keywords) on 24 April 2012@03:25:42.
David Whitehead (augmented n.1; more keywords; cosmetics) on 24 April 2012@03:46:36.
David Whitehead (tweaked n.1; cosmetics; raised status) on 23 December 2013@06:46:55.
David Whitehead (coding) on 25 May 2016@10:10:14.


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