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Search results for sigma,275 in Adler number:
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Headword: *seirai/nw
Adler number: sigma,275
Translated headword: I parch
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] I dry up.[1]
"With which they used to garland themselves for wedding days."[2]
Greek Original:
*seirai/nw: chrai/nw. meq' w(=n e)ste/fonto pro\s ta\s tw=n ga/mwn h(me/ras.
[1] Adler cites Lexicon Ambrosianum 231 as equivalent; cf. also Etymologicum Magnum 710.21, where we find the same gloss with a citation of Orus of Miletus. The headword and the gloss are both present indicative actives, first person singular, of their respective transitive verbs. The headword seirai/nw may be a generic lexical reference; at any rate there are no attestations of this form outside lexicography, and the only literary attestation of any form of the verb is in a papyrus fragment of the Hellenistic epic poet Euphorion (fr. 443.6 Lloyd Jones-Parsons: seirai/nontai). LSJ s.v. points out that the etymology of the verb is with Seirios (Sirius), the dog-star, whose rising was associated with the onset of parching summer heat; cf. sigma 284, sigma 285.
[2] Apparently an abridgement of a scholion on Aristophanes, Birds 161 (see nu 597, upsilon 107), with no obvious pertinence to the rest of the entry. Perhaps there was originally some reference to drying the plant material used for garlands.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 23 October 2013@10:22:13.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; cosmetics) on 24 October 2013@03:19:50.
David Whitehead on 24 October 2013@03:36:10.
David Whitehead on 23 December 2013@06:38:44.


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