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Adler number: sigma,271
Translated headword: Severus [of Antioch]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man appeared after the unlucky Eutyches;[1] [it was he] who after seizing the [episcopal] throne of
Antioch tried to vindicate the heresy of Mani[2] and
Apollinarius[3] and Eutyches, disrupting, as far as he was able, the peace of the Church. But when he was expelled from
Antioch for being troublesome and turbulent, he fell like a tempest or a hurricane on the frivolity of the Alexandrians.[4] Then when another gale blew up against him and the people, he threw everything into confusion and uproar. For a certain man called Julian, a Halicarnassian, a bishop of Asia, scattered them.
See also under Julian of Halicarnassus.[5]
Greek Original:*seuh=ros: ou(=tos e)fa/nh meta\ to\n dustuxh= *eu)tuxh=: o(\s a(rpa/sas to\n qro/non *)antioxei/as th\n kata\ *ma/nenta au)=qis *)apolina/rio/n te kai\ *eu)tuxe/a diekdikei=n ai(/resin e)peira=to, kukw=n, o(/sh du/namis au)tw=|, th\n th=s e)kklhsi/as ei)rh/nhn. e)celaqei\s de\ th=s *)antioxei/as w(s taraxw/dhs kai\ taraci/as th=| *)alecandre/wn koufo/thti lai/lapos di/khn h)\ que/llhs e)ne/skhyen, e)/nqa kai\ e(te/ras kataigi/dos a)ntipneusa/shs au)tw=| te kai\ tw=| law=| sune/xee pa/nta kai\ e)qoru/bhse. dieske/dase ga\r au)tou\s *)iouliano/s tis kalou/menos, *(alikarnaseu/s, th=s *)asi/as e)pi/skopos. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| *)iouliano\s *(alikarnaseu/s.
From George the Monk,
Chronicon 472.24 - 473.8. A collection of
Severus' letters may be found at web address 1.
[1] Eutyches:
epsilon 3782 (a play on the meaning of his name, "lucky").
[2] Mani:
mu 147.
alpha 3397,
alpha 3398.
[4] This sentence is quoted again at
tau 114. George's original has
stasiw/dhs ('factious') rather than
taraxw/dhs ('trouble-making').
[5] Julian of Halicarnassus:
iota 436.
Pauline Allen and C.T.R. Hayward, Severus of Antioch. 2004
John Behr, “Severus of Antioch: Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Perspectives,” St. Nersess Theological Review 3.1-2 (1998) 23-35.
Peter Theodore Farrington, "The Orthodox Theology of St. Severus of Antioch" at web address 2.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 May 2005@01:13:48.
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