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Search results for sigma,259 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,259
Translated headword: you have Sellus-ized
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] you have become foolishly elated. [sc. The word comes] from
Aeschines the son of Sellus, who was a braggart and boastful both in engaging in conversation in pretending to be wealthy. But
Lycophron has rendered
selli/zesqai ['to Sellus-ize'] in place of
yelli/zesqai ['to mumble'].[1]
Aeschines, although he was poor, gave himself airs for wealth, saying that he was a rich man.
Aeschines was the son of Sellus. As a metaphor they used to call such people Selluses and being boastful 'Sellus-izing'.[2]
Greek Original:*sese/llisai: ma/thn e)ph=rsai. a)po\ *ai)sxi/nou tou= *se/llou, o(\s h)=n kompasth\s kai\ a)lazw\n e)/n te tw=| diale/gesqai kai\ e)n tw=| prospoiei=sqai ploutei=n. *luko/frwn d' a)pe/dwke to\ selli/zesqai a)nti\ tou= yelli/zesqai. o( ga\r *ai)sxi/nhs pe/nhs w)\n e)qru/pteto e)pi\ plou/tw|, le/gwn e(auto\n plou/sion. h)=n de\ *ai)sxi/nhs *se/llou. e)k metafora=s de\ e)/legon tou\s toiou/tous *se/llous kai\ to\ a)lazoneu/esqai selli/zein.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 October 2013@23:48:03.
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