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Adler number: sigma,254
Translated headword: Saruch, Seruch, Serug
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man who derived from the tribe of Japheth transmitted the doctrine that those men of long ago who had died and had been courageous be honored either through images or through statues, and that these should be worshipped each year as if they were still alive, and that they finish their monuments and that those be registered in the priestly books and that they consider them as gods, as benefactors. From this polytheism and idolatry were introduced: and this continued among them until the times of Terah the father of Abraham. For he was a sculptor, making likenesses from various woods and saying that they were gods and that they ought to be worshipped as responsible for good things. From this such a notion spread into most tribes of the Gentiles, and especially in Greece. For these [Greeks] had already accepted an error of this kind, and had honored the giant Hellen, who was derived from the tribe of Japheth and became a participant in the tower-building, on account of which the tongues of mankind were divided and they were called me/ropes.[1]
Greek Original:*serou/x: ou(=tos e)k th=s tou= *)ia/feq fulh=s katago/menos do/gma parade/dwke tima=sqai tou\s pa/lai teleuth/santas kai\ a)risteu/santas a)/ndras h)\ dia\ ei)ko/nwn h)\ dia\ a)ndria/ntwn, kai\ tou/tous proskunei=sqai kat' e)/tos w(s e)/ti zw=ntas, kai\ mnh/mas au)tw=n e)ktelei=n kai\ e)n tai=s i(eratikai=s a)nagra/fesqai bi/blois kai\ qeou\s au)tou\s nomi/zein, w(s eu)erge/tas. e)nteu=qen ei)sh/xqh h( poluqei/+a kai\ h( ei)dwlolatri/a: tou=to de\ die/meine par' au)toi=s me/xri tw=n xro/nwn *qa/rra tou= patro\s *)abraa/m. h)=n ga\r a)galmatopoio/s, a)po\ diafo/rwn u(lw=n ei)ko/nas e)rgazo/menos kai\ le/gwn tou/tous ei)=nai qeou\s kai\ o)fei/lein proskunei=sqai w(s ai)ti/ous tw=n a)gaqw=n. e)nteu=qen die/dramen h( toiau/th do/ca ei)s ta\ plei=sta tw=n e)qnw=n ge/nh, ma/lista de\ e)n *(ella/di. h)/dh ga\r h)=san ou(=toi th\n toiau/thn pla/nhn a)nadeca/menoi kai\ timh/santes *(/ellhna to\n gi/ganta, to\n a)po\ th=s fulh=s tou= *)ia/feq katago/menon kai\ th=s purgopoii/+as koinwno\n geno/menon, di' h(\n e)meri/sqhsan ai( glw=ssai tw=n a)nqrw/pwn kai\ e)klh/qhsan me/ropes.
See already
sigma 253.
[1] The poetic noun
me/ropes is interpreted as meaning "dividing the voice": see LSJ s.v.
me/roy and
mu 643.
Keywords: aetiology; art history; biography; chronology; ethics; religion
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 12 August 2003@08:28:18.
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