*se/rrios: o)/noma ku/rion. kai\ *se/rreion tei=xos kai\ *si/rreion, o)no/mata xwri/wn.
[1] (So too, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon.) Perhaps connected with what follows, but if not, see the Publius 'Serrius' (
Servius) in
Antiquities of the Jews 14.221.
[2] (This element of the entry reproduces Harpokration s.v.; and see also
Lexicon sigma121 Theodoridis.) Serreion Teichos lay on the western shore of the Propontis (sea of Marmora). Serreion, according to
Stephanus of
Byzantium, was a city on the northern Aegean island of Samothrace.
No. of records found: 1
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