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Search results for sigma,246 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,246
Translated headword: Sergius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of Zeugma;[1] son of
Aphthonius. He was descended from advocates of the prefects (he himself was praetorian prefect) and from consuls; and he was a patrician. [He wrote]
Funeral Speech for the sophist (his brother) Sabinus. He also wrote another book,
On Behalf of the Advocates, in reply to Aristides.
Greek Original:*se/rgios, *zeugmateu/s, *)afqoni/ou ui(o/s, a)po\ dikhgo/rwn tw=n u(pa/rxwn, kai\ au)to\s u(/parxos praitwri/wn gegonw/s, kai\ a)po\ u(pa/twn, kai\ patri/kios. *)epita/fion ei)s to\n sofisth\n kai\ a)delfo\n au)tou= *sabi=non. e)/graye kai\ e(te/ran bi/blon u(pe\r tw=n dikolo/gwn pro\s *)aristei/dhn.
RE Sergius(6); PLRE II Sergius(7).
[1] In
Syria: see OCD4 s.v.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history; law; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 9 September 2003@01:04:24.
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