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Headword: *se/cstos
Adler number: sigma,235
Translated headword: Sextus
Vetting Status: high
A Chaironeian, a nephew of Plutarch, born in the time of Caesar Marcus Antoninus; a philosopher, and a student of Herodotus of Philadelphia.[1] He adhered to the teachings of Pyrrhon, and was so esteemed by the emperor[2] that he sat in judgement with him. He wrote Ethica and 10 books of Episceptica.[3]
[Note] that after the death of Commodus a man made the daring claim that he was Sextus [Quintilius Condianus] and set out to assume his wealth and reputation. He boasted that many had interrogated him at length, but was tripped up badly when Pertinax asked him about something from Greek literature, with which that man was intimately acquainted, and was unable to understand what was said. Thus it seems that he resembled [Sextus'] physical appearance by nature, and assimilated other aspects through practice, but did not share his erudition.[4]
Greek Original:
*se/cstos, *xairwneu/s, a)delfidou=s *plouta/rxou, gegonw\s kata\ *ma/rkon *)antwni=non to\n *kai/sara, filo/sofos, maqhth\s *(hrodo/tou tou= *filadelfai/ou. h)=n de\ th=s *purrwnei/ou a)gwgh=s kai\ tosou=ton pro\s timh=s tw=| basilei= h)=n, w(/ste kai\ sundika/zein au)tw=|. e)/grayen *)hqika/, *)episkeptika\ bibli/a i#. o(/ti meta\ qa/naton *komodou= e)to/lmhse/ tis *se/cstos te ei)=nai fh=sai kai\ pro\s a)na/lhyin tou= te plou/tou kai\ a)ciw/matos o(rmh=sai kai\ polla/ ge u(po\ pollw=n a)nakriqei\s e)komyeu/sato, w(s me/ntoi kai\ tw=n *(ellhnikw=n ti au)to\n o( *perti/nac, w(=n e)kei=nos diepefu/kei, a)nh/reto, plei=ston e)sfa/lh, mhde\ sunei=nai to\ lego/menon dunhqei/s. ou(/tw pou to\ me\n ei)=dos e)k fu/sews kai\ ta)/lla e)c e)pithdeu/sews au)tw=| e)w/|kei, th=s de\ dh\ paidei/as au)tou= ou) metesxh/kei.
[1] This paragraph conflates two men: Sextus of Chaironeia, a nephew of Plutarch (pi 1793), and Sextus Empiricus, a sceptic and physician who was born a generation or so later. (See Marcus Aurelius Meditations 1.9 on the former and Diogenes Laertius 9.116 on the latter.) For Pyrrhonism see generally pi 3241.
[2] This phrase is quoted already at pi 2819.
[3] There are two works by Sextus Empiricus extant: the Pyrrhonist Hypotheses and Against the Dogmatists. We know of no works by Sextus of Chaeroneia, nor of the Ethica and Episceptica cited here.
[4] Cassius Dio 72.6.4-5, on events of 192 CE. (For Commodus see generally kappa 2007; after his assassination the elderly P. Helvius Pertinax ruled briefly.)
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; philosophy
Translated by: Bradley Buszard on 23 June 2003@15:53:50.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation at one point; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 24 June 2003@03:39:32.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 30 December 2003@00:31:12.
Catharine Roth (added note with cross-reference) on 11 September 2013@23:14:54.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 23 December 2013@04:42:35.


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