*semnh/n, trufw=san: ou) th\n sw/frona [ou) ga\r e)painei= au)th/n], a)lla\ th\n a)lazo/na kai\ u(pe/rogkon kai\ e)p' au(th=| me/ga fronou=san. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais.
The headword phrase comes from
Clouds 48, where these two words in the feminine accusative singular -- the first an adjective, the second a present participle -- are used by Strepsiades to describe his aristocratic wife. (For the third word in the line, see
epsilon 87.) The lexicographer's remarks are from commentary on this passage, though some of the material is independent from preserved
The parenthetical phrase "for he is not praising her" is needed because the terms used do not necessarily have a pejorative sense, but do in this case; cf. generally
sigma 227.
[1] The scholion correctly reads
e)f' au(th=| with a phi instead of the Suda's pi.
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