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Search results for sigma,189 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,189
Translated headword: Secundus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of
Athens. Sophist. He was surnamed
Plinius, and nicknamed 'Peg' [
*epi/ouros], because he was the son of a carpenter. He was the instructor of Herodes the sophist.[1] He wrote
rhetorical declamations.
Greek Original:*sekou=ndos, *)aqhnai=os, sofisth/s: o(\s e)xrhma/tise *plh/nios. e)pwnoma/zeto de\ kai\ *)epi/ouros, w(s ui(o\s te/ktonos. kaqhghth\s de\ ge/gone kai\ *(hrw/dou tou= sofistou=. e)/graye mele/tas r(htorika/s.
Keywords: biography; daily life; geography; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 8 September 2003@17:14:53.
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