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Headword: *sxolai/teron
Adler number: sigma,1800
Translated headword: in a more leisurely way, in a rather leisurely way
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] more idly. "[...] and men with whips were there to hurry along those the road those who were proceeding in a rather leisurely way."[1]
"But he uttered something proverb-like and foreign and simple, but nevertheless effective and useful: that one should first scare away the bees, and then take the honey in a more leisurely way."[2]
Leisureliness[3] is the term for procrastination, and delay.
Thucydides [writes]: "the delay which occurred at the Isthmus [sc. of Corinth] and the leisureliness during the rest of the journey brought abuse against him."[4]
Greek Original:
*sxolai/teron: a)rgo/teron. mastigofo/roi te pario/ntes e)peta/xunon th=s o(dou= tou\s sxolai/teron prosio/ntas. o( de\ a)pefqe/ggeto paroimiw=de/s ti kai\ barbariko/n te kai\ a)fele/s, e)nergo\n de\ o(/mws kai\ xrh/simon: w(s dei= pro/teron a)posobei=n ta\s meli/ttas, kai\ e)/peita to\ me/li sxolai/teron ai(rei=sqai. *sxolaio/ths le/getai h( me/llhsis, kai\ h( e)pimonh/. *qoukudi/dhs: h( de\ e)n tw=| *)isqmw=| genome/nh e)pimonh\ kai\ kata\ th\n a)/llhn porei/an h( sxolaio/ths die/balen au)to/n.
The headword -- a neuter adjective, in the comparative degree, used as an adverb -- is presumably extracted from the first quotation given (but is also illustrated by the second).
[1] Thucydides 4.47.3, on the civil war at Corcyra in 425 BCE.
[2] Agathias, Histories 3.6; cf. already at alpha 4576.
[3] This is a new entry, Adler reports, in ms G.
[4] Thucydides 2.18.3, on King Archidamus of Sparta in 431 BCE.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 June 2014@05:21:01.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (coding, status) on 9 June 2014@09:59:47.
David Whitehead (augmented and expanded notes; other tweaking) on 9 June 2014@10:06:34.
David Whitehead on 9 June 2014@13:23:26.


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