[Meaning] an ox's ribs. Or simply rib-bones of [sc. any] meats.
Aristophanes [writes]: "but when I have devoured beef-ribs I will buy [sc. tax-collecting rights in the silver] mines."[1]
*sxeli/des: boo\s pleura/. h)\ a(plw=s ta\ pleurimai=a tw=n krew=n. *)aristofa/nhs: a)lla\ sxeli/das e)dhdokw\s w)nh/somai me/talla.
The headword noun, nominative plural, appears in the accusative plural in the quotation.
Knights 362 (the sausage-seller speaking, in his boasting contest with Kleon [
kappa 1731]), with a version of a scholion thereto. For the Athenian silver-mines cf.
mu 704.
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