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Adler number: sigma,177
Translated headword: Sebastianus, Sebastian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man lived in the time of [sc. the emperor] Valens,[1] in whose reign there was a search for warlike men, and when this man was found he surpassed every expectation. Deficient in no sort of virtue; for [he was inferior] to none -- not only of the people of his own time, but he was even worthy of being compared to those of old, and to those who had the most excellent reputation among them in every respect. Though he was eager for battle he was not at all eager for risk, not for his own sake but for the sake of those in his command. His concern[2] for a large amount of money extended only so far as his intention to adorn his body with weapons. The food he preferred was hard and rough, and as much as sufficed him when he had labored, but not so much as to be a hindrance to him as he set out for labor. Though he was an exceptional champion of the rank-and-file he was not indulgent to his soldiers. Instead he stripped them of every sort of greed toward their own and turned their acquisitiveness against the enemy. He severely punished those who disregarded these rules, but for those who obeyed he struggled alongside them for wealth. To put it simply, he provided himself as a model and prototype of virtue. Though he served in great and glorious generalships, just like the Colossus of the Rhodians which, because of its size, is astounding but not regarded with affection, so he, although amazing in his lack of desire for wealth did not find favor. And having collided with the eunuch chamberlains of the emperor because of the integrity of his thinking, and being an easy target because of his poverty and easy to displace, he was relieved of his generalship.
Greek Original:*sebastiano/s: ou(=tos e)pi\ *ou)a/lentos h)=n. e)ge/neto de\ e)pi\ tou/tou a)ndrw=n polemikw=n zh/thsis. eu(re/qh de\ ou(=tos o( a)nh\r pa/shs e)lpi/dos krei/ttwn, ou)demia=s a)reth=s a)pode/wn: ou)deno\s ga\r mh\ o(/ti tw=n kaq' au(to\n a)nqrw/pwn, a)lla\ kai\ toi=s palaioi=s di/kaios h)=n paraba/llesqai, kai\ tou/twn toi=s a)/gan eu)dokimou=sin ei)s a(/panta. o(/s ge filopo/lemos me\n w)\n h(/kista filoki/ndunos h)=n, ou) di' e(auto/n, tw=n a)rxome/nwn de\ e(/neken. xrhma/twn de\ au)tw=| plh/qous e)/mellen, o(/sa to\ sw=ma dia\ tw=n o(/plwn kosmh/sein e)/melle: trofh\n de\ proh/|rhto sklhra\n kai\ traxei=an, kai\ o(/sh kamo/nti h)/rkei, kai\ o(rmwme/nw| pro\s ka/maton ou)k h)=n kw/luma. filostratiw/ths de\ w)\n diafero/ntws stratiw/tais ou)k e)xari/zeto, a)lla\ pa=sa/n te a)fh/|rei pleoneci/an th\n a)po\ tw=n oi)kei/wn kai\ to\ a(rpaktiko\n e)pi\ tou\s polemi/ous e)/trepen: e)ko/laze de\ i)sxurw=s tou\s parabai/nontas tau=ta, kai\ toi=s peiqome/nois ei)s to\ ei)=nai sunhgwni/zeto. a(plw=s de\ ei)pei=n, u(po/deigma kai\ xarakth=ra parei=xen e(auto\n a)reth=s. gegonw\s de\ e)pi\ mega/lais kai\ lamprai=s strathgi/ais, w(/sper o( *(rodi/wn kolosso\s dia\ me/geqos kataplhktiko\s w)\n ou)k e)/stin e)ra/smios, ka)kei=nos dia\ to\ a)filoxrh/maton qaumasto\s w)\n ou)k e)/sxe xa/rin. proskekroukw\s de\ dia\ gnw/mhs o)rqo/thta toi=s katakoimistai=s eu)nou/xois tw=n basile/wn, eu)/kolos w)\n dia\ peni/an kai\ kou=fos e)s metana/stasin diede/xqh th=s strathgi/as.
Ascribed to
Eunapius by Dindorf,
Historici graeci minores 1.243; fr. 47 FHG (4.34-5); Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 44[3]. Extracts at
kappa 1947 and
pi 2723.
omicron 764.
[2] Reading (with Dindorf)
e)/mele ('was a concern') for the Suda's
e)/melle ('was intending'), which is surely a mistake inspired by the genuine appearance of that verb in the next clause.
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
Keywords: art history; biography; chronology; clothing; economics; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; politics
Translated by: William Hutton on 27 August 2013@23:15:43.
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