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Headword: *sfendo/nh
Adler number: sigma,1726
Translated headword: bezel; sling
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the enclosure of a signet-ring; also a suitable way of throwing a stone.[1]
Cyrus ordered most of the Lydians to practice the sling, on the basis that "this weapon was most slavish; for in conjunction with the rest of the forces there are occasions where slingers being present are strongly beneficial; but by themselves all the slingers [sc. in the world] would not withstand at very close quarters a few men coming against them with close-combat arms."[2]
Also [sc. attested is the verb] sfendona/w; [used] with an accusative.[3]
Greek Original:
*sfendo/nh: tou= daktuli/ou h( perife/reia: kai\ h( ei)s li/qou bolh\n e)pithdei/a xrh=sis. o(/ti *ku=ros tou\s pollou\s tw=n *ludw=n sfendona=n e)ke/leusen, w(s to\ o(/plon tou=to doulikw/taton ei)=nai nomi/zwn: su\n me\n ga\r a)/llh| duna/mei ma/la e)/stin e)/nqa i)sxurw=s w)felou=si sfendonh=tai paqo/ntes: au)toi\ de\ kaq' e(autou\s ou)d' a)\n oi( pa/ntes sfendonh=tai mei/neian pa/nu o(mo/se o)li/gous i)o/ntas o(/plois a)gxema/xois. kai\ *sfendonw=: ai)tiatikh=|.
[1] Likewise or very similarly in other lexica, including Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon; references at Photius sigma864 Theodoridis. For bezel cf. sigma 1727.
[2] An approximation of Xenophon, Cyropaedia 7.4.15: besides the paraphrased opening, the participle paqo/ntes should be paro/ntes (as translated here) and the preposition su/n is omitted before o(/plois a)gxema/xois.
[3] Likewise in syntactical lexica; and cf. sigma 1725.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 June 2014@05:42:31.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 5 June 2014@20:01:13.
David Whitehead (expansions to notes) on 6 June 2014@03:13:27.


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