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Headword: *su/stoixa
Adler number: sigma,1691
Translated headword: co-ordinates, correspondences, things belonging to the same kind
Vetting Status: high
"Co-ordinates[1] and derivatives and inflections are thought to be comparable with one another, but still distinct. [Things] are said to belong to the same kind when they have similar relations to one another, which could also be said by analogy, like knowledge and perception. For each of these has a similar relation to their [respective] objects. Both the object of sensation and the object of knowledge are related similarly; for each object has a similar relation to those things to which they pertain [i.e. sensation and knowledge]. They also call[2] what belongs to the same kind[3] both all those things which are named after something in relation to another and with respect to that one after which they are all named, e.g. 'the just,' 'the one who is just,' and 'the one who acts justly' are derived from 'justice.' So, what belongs to the same kind is, to be sure, each of these with respect to one another and to justice itself. However, they say derivatives are those which are named after something only with respect to that one by which they are so named, and neither according to each other nor is that one thing named after them. [For] 'grammarian' [is named] after 'grammar' and not 'grammar' after 'grammarian.'
Greek Original:
*su/stoixa: su/stoixa kai\ parw/numa kai\ ptw/seis parakei=sqai me\n a)llh/lois dokou=nta, diafe/ronta de/. su/stoixa le/getai a)llh/lois kai\ ta\ o(moi/ws e)/xonta pro/s tina, a(\ kai\ kata\ a)nalogi/an ei)/h a)/n: w(s e)pisth/mh kai\ ai)/sqhsis: e(ka/teron ga\r au)tw=n o(moi/ws e)/xei pro\s ta\ u(f' au(ta/. o(moi/ws kai\ to\ ai)sqhto\n kai\ to\ e)pisthto/n: e(ka/teron ga\r au)tw=n o(moi/ws e)/xei pro\s ta\ w(=n e)sti/. su/stoixa le/gousi kai\ pa/nta ta\ o(moi/ws parwnomasme/na a)llh/lois te kai\ e)kei/nw| a)f' ou(= parwno/mastai: oi(=on a)po\ th=s dikaiosu/nhs parwno/mastai o( di/kaios, to\ di/kaion, to\ dikai/ws. tau=ta dh\ kai\ a)llh/lois e)sti\ su/stoixa kai\ au)th=| th=| dikaiosu/nh|. parw/numa de\ mo/na ta\ a)po/ tinos parwnomasme/na e)kei/nw| le/gousin, w(=| parwno/mastai, a)ll' ou)k a)llh/lois, ou)de\ e)kei=na tou/tois: th=| grammatikh=| o( grammatiko/s, ou)ke/ti de\ h( grammatikh\ tw=| grammatikw=|.
For the headword, cf. pi 3049 and sigma 1690. Van Ophuijsen [below] renders su/stoixa as 'members of the same set'.
The entry as a whole follows (with minor divergencies) Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 104.1-13. Alexander is commenting here on Topica 106b29-107a2, Aristotle's dialectical account of how inflections (ptw/seis) are formed by the many ways something is said (pleonaxw=s le/getai). It is debatable whether Alexander and Aristotle are speaking solely on linguistic matters, or whether there is some metaphysical significance to their accounts.
[1] Adler notes that the second su/stoixa after the headword is lacking in ms F (Laurentianus).
[2] le/gousi, "they say," is clearly dialectical in the Aristotelian sense, although Alexander never specifies whom he is reporting. See Van Ophuijsen p. 180, fn. 875.
[3] Instead of ta\ o(moi/ws, Alexander 104.23 reads ta\ a)po/ tinos. The translation above reads with Alexander.
Alexander of Aphrodisias. In Aristotelis Topicorum Libros Octo Commentaria. Edited by George Reimer. Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca. Volume II. Berlin, 1881
Ross, W.D. Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958
Van Ophuijsen, Johannes. Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle’s Topics 1. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2001
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Joseph Carter on 15 June 2014@09:25:13.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 16 June 2014@10:02:55.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 December 2014@02:36:08.


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