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Search results for sigma,1690 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1690
Translated headword: a (philosophical) position, table (of contraries)
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Taking this view [en tĂȘ stasei], he belonged to the weaker position, [1] having wandered away from his prior training and adopting other views."[2]
Greek Original:*sustoixi/a. o( de\ e)n th=| sta/sei e)gi/neto th=s xei/ronos sustoixi/as, a)posta\s me\n a)po\ tw=n prw/twn maqhma/twn, prosruei\s de\ toi=s a)/llois.
The unglossed headword is Pythagorean, as attested by
Aristotle and later adopted by the Neopythagorean and Neoplatonic philosophers, especially
Proclus. See LSJ s.v.
sustoixi/a, and cf.
sigma 1691.
Damascius [next note] might be referring to
Marinus, the Neoplatonist and successor to
Proclus, though it is unclear. For this reading, see Athanassiadi p. 247 (especially fn. 273). Athanassiadi groups this fragment with
Photius Cod. 242, 277 (= fr. 266 Zintzen) which seems to report a similar situation concerning internal strife amongst Neoplatonists, most likely between
Theagenes and
Marinus. For
Marinus, see
mu 198 and
mu 199.
[2] The source for the quotation is
Life of Isidore fr. 158 Asmus = 243 Zintzen = 101B Athanassiadi. Its authenticity is doubtful.
Athanassiadi, Polymnia. Damascius: The Philosophical History. Athens, Greece: Apamea, 1999
Keywords: biography; ethics; philosophy; politics
Translated by: Joseph Carter on 14 June 2014@16:32:27.
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