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Search results for sigma,1650 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1650
Translated headword: coincidence, unforeseen event, accident
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the sudden change in circumstances.
"So, assuming that his attitude towards him[1] was as it was, not through an unforeseen circumstance, but from some underlying disposition."[2]
Greek Original:*suntuxi/a: h( ai)fni/dios tw=n pragma/twn metabolh/. u(polabw\n ou)=n ou) kata\ suntuxi/an, a)ll' a)po/ tinos e(/cews toiau/thn ei)=nai peri\ au)to\n dia/qesin.
Hesychius sigma2734 glosses with
sune/nteucis, a compound otherwise unknown in Greek.
Lexicon (sigma819 Theodoridis) has, instead of this feminine headword, neuter
suntu/xhma (glossed with the feminine). See also
sigma 1638,
sigma 1639,
sigma 1648,
epsilon 1495,
tau 1232 (cf.
tau 1233 and
tau 1234).
[1] Unidentified.
Life of Isidore fr. 192 Zintzen. For the distinction between
e(/cis ('deeply rooted disposition') and
dia/qesis ('changeable attitude') see John of Damascus cited at
epsilon 1767. The phrase
kata\ suntuxi/an has become widespread for 'accidentally, by accident' (cf.
kappa 688), and should perhaps be so understood here.
Keywords: biography; definition; history; religion
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 2 June 2003@03:34:04.
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