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Search results for sigma,1625 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1625
Translated headword: system, contribution
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning agreed financial arrangement.
Demosthenes in the
Philippics [writes]: "and there should be one and the same system for drawing [pay] and for doing what is necessary [to earn it]".[1] They used to call each of the tribute-payments[2] "contributions", because the Greeks were unhappy with the name "tribute" [
phoros] -- Kallistratos having given it this [new] name.[3] And
Hyperides says: "currently paying a contribution to nobody, we who had once seen fit to exact them".[4]
Greek Original:*su/ntacis: a)nti\ tou= suntetagme/nh oi)/khsis. *dhmosqe/nhs *filippikoi=s: kai\ mi/an su/ntacin ei)=nai th\n au)th\n tou= te lamba/nein kai\ tou= poiei=n ta\ de/onta. e)/lege de\ e(ka/stous fo/rous sunta/ceis, e)peidh\ xalepw=s e)/feron oi( *(/ellhnes to\ tw=n fo/rwn o)/noma, *kallistra/tou ou(/tws kale/santos. kai\ *(uperi/dhs de/ fhsi: su/ntacin e)n tw=| paro/nti ou)deni\ dido/ntes, h(mei=s de/ pote h)ciw/samen labei=n.
Lightly abridged from Harpokration s.v.
For the headword cf.
sigma 1623,
sigma 1624.
Demosthenes 1.20 (web address 1).
[2] Here
e(ka/stous fo/rous;
kai\ tou\s fo/rous in Harpok.
[3] Harpok. cites
Theopompus FGrH F115 F98 for this name-change, under the Second (= C4) Athenian Empire.
Hyperides fr. 71 Jensen.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; economics; historiography; history; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 December 2000@11:00:13.
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