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Adler number: sigma,1615
Translated headword: synonymous
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A synonymous predicate occurs when [it] admits both the name and the same definition of the name. For instance, 'animal' is predicated of man, and 'man' admits both the name and the definition of animal; for animal is a substance animated, sensible; and man receives this definition, since a man is a substance both animated and sensible.[1] By contrast, a homonymous predicate occurs when it does not admit the definition but only the name, such as in the case of the image of a man.[2]
Greek Original:*sunw/numos: sunw/numos kathgori/a e)sti/n, o(/te to\ o)/noma kai\ to\n o(/ron de/xetai to\n au)to\n tou= o)no/matos. oi(=on to\ zw=|on kathgorei=tai tou= a)nqrw/pou, kai\ de/xetai o( a)/nqrwpos kai\ to\ o)/noma kai\ to\n o(/ron tou= zw/|ou: zw=|on ga/r e)stin ou)si/a e)/myuxos, ai)sqhtikh/: kai\ o( a)/nqrwpos e)pide/xetai to\n o(/ron tou=ton: kai\ ou)si/a ga/r e)stin o( a)/nqrwpos kai\ e)/myuxos kai\ ai)sqhtikh/. o(mw/numos de\ kathgori/a, o(/te to\n me\n o(/ron ou) de/xetai, a)lla\ mo/non to\ o)/noma: w(s e)pi\ th=s ei)ko/nos tou= a)nqrw/pou.
This entry, from John of Damascus,
Dialectica 16 (PG 94, 580bc), seems roughly to reproduce (and invert) the opening section of
[1] cf.
Cat. 1a6-12: 'When things have the name in common and the definition of being which corresponds to the name is the same, they are called synonymous. Thus, for example, both a man and an ox are animals. Each of these is called, by a common name, an animal, and the definition of being is also the same; for if one is to give the definition of each 'what being an animal is for each of them' one will give the same definition' (Ackrill's translation).
[2] cf.
Cat. 1a1-6: 'When things have only a name in common and the definition of being which corresponds to the name is different, they are called homonymous. Thus, for example, both a man and a picture are animals. These have only a name in common and the definition of being which corresponds to the name is different; for if one is to say what 'being an animal' is for each of them, one will give two distinct definitions' (Ackrill's translation).
Aristotle's Categories and De Interpretatione, translated with Notes by J.L. Ackrill (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1979)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 10 June 2001@13:36:26.
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