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Search results for sigma,1606 in Adler number:
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Headword: *sunw|da/
Adler number: sigma,1606
Translated headword: in tune with, singing along with
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning things that are] harmonious.[1]
[Used] with a dative.[2]
Also [sc. attested is the singular] sunw|do/n.[3]
Aelian [writes]: "but the rooster tried to sing along with the avian song, raising a harmonious and concordant strain."[4]
Greek Original:
*sunw|da/: su/mfwna. meta\ dotikh=s. kai\ *sunw|do/n. *ai)liano/s: o( de\ a)lektruw\n suna/|dein e)peira=to tw=| o)rniqei/w| me/lei, sunw|do/n te kai\ summele\s a)name/lpwn.
cf. generally sigma 1607, sigma 1608.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica; references at Photius sigma820 Theodoridis. The headword itself, neuter plural of this adjective, is regarded by Adler as quoted from Euripides, Helen 174 (c- there); Theodoridis adds other instances, from Euripides and Aristophanes.
[2] Lacking, Adler reports, in ms V.
[3] Probably (though not demonstrably) extracted from the quotation about to be given.
[4] Aelian fr. 101b Domingo-Forasté (98 Hercher); quoted more fully (and differently) at alpha 4177.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 November 2012@12:22:23.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more notes; another keyword; cosmetics) on 26 November 2012@03:10:56.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; another keyword) on 3 January 2014@08:31:29.


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