*sunei/rei: suna/ptei. kai\ *suneiro/meqa, a)nti\ tou= sunhpto/meqa. i)/ste o(/ti polu\ ple/on a)\n u(mi=n e)n tai=s eu)tuxi/ais suneiro/meqa tw=n to/te ta\ e)nanti/a forou/ntwn. kai\ au)=qis: e)gkw/mia tou= e)rhmikou= bi/ou polla\ sunei/ronto.
(Entry lacking, Adler reports, in ms A; and ms F lacks everything from 'You know that...' onwards.)
The headword is present indicative active, third person singular, of the verb
I tie, string together; see generally LSJ s.v. It is taken to be quoted from its earliest extant occurrence:
Demosthenes 18.308 (web address 1);
Demosthenes argues that
Aeschines strings together useless words.
[1] The gloss is the same form as the headword, but from the verb
I join together; see generally LSJ s.v. The lemma is identically glossed in the
Synagoge (sigma335) and
Photius (
Lexicon sigma759 Theodoridis), and very similarly already in
Hesychius sigma2486, which adds a second glossing synonym,
mignu/ei "mixes".
[2] The supplementary lemma -- presumably extracted from the quotation which immediately follows -- is the present indicative middle/passive, first person plural, of the headword verb.
[3] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
[4] Quotation again unidentifiable (but probably from a Christian source).
Catharine Roth (upgraded link, tweaked translation, added keywords, set status) on 3 June 2014@22:10:35.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 4 June 2014@03:37:15.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 18 May 2022@18:23:27.
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