Suda On Line
Search results for sigma,1495 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1495
Translated headword: it fell out, happened to be
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning it occurred. So
Isocrates [uses the phrase].[1]
"And out of both the parts was falling out mass murder, as they fought each other in total confusion".[2]
Also, "[he] fell out at the knees of the general".[3] Meaning fell before [them].
And elsewhere: "falling at the knees of some of them".[4]
Greek Original:*sune/pese gene/sqai: a)nti\ tou= sune/bh. ou(/tws *)isokra/ths. kai\ e)c a)mfote/rwn tw=n merw=n fo/nos sune/pipte polu/s, fu/rdhn e)p' a)llh/lois maxome/nwn. kai/, sune/pese tw=| strathgw=| pro\s ta\ go/nata. a)nti\ tou= prose/pese. kai\ au)=qis: toi=s me\n pro\s ta\ go/nata pipto/ntwn.
For the verb
sumpi/ptw see already
sigma 1393.
[1] Isoc. 5.89 (web address 1), where a better interpretation would be "it happened that they became ..."
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
[3] Perhaps
Polybius (so Adler); cf.
sigma 226.
Diodorus Siculus 36.15.2, on Saturninus (the subject of the participle, which should be
pi/ptwn, not the Suda's
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; historiography; history; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 November 2001@08:16:04.
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