[Meaning] they were providing. "Consequently the Hellespontine cities were also giving him contributions for the maintenance of the troops".[1]
*suneba/llonto: parei=xon. w(/ste kai\ suneba/llonto au)tw=| ei)s th\n trofh\n tw=n stratiwtw=n ai( *(ellhspontiakai\ po/leis.
The headword -- presumably extracted from the quotation given (though also attested in e.g.
Herodotus 7.142.2 and Herodian 1.14.6) -- is imperfect indicative middle, third person plural, of the verb
sumba/llw. See generally LSJ s.v., and cf.
sigma 1354,
sigma 1355,
sigma 1356.
Anabasis 1.1.9, describing how
Clearchus, based in the Chersonese, secretly raised a mercenary army for Cyrus in c.402-401. The original text has
xrh/mata before
suneba/llonto au)tw|=: "they gave him contributions of money".
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