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Search results for sigma,1459 in Adler number:
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Headword: *su/ndikos
Adler number: sigma,1459
Translated headword: fellow-litigant
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a fellow-speaker; when more [sc. than one] helpers and fellow-speakers appear in the case, they are called fellow-litigants.
Greek Original:
*su/ndikos: o( sunh/goros: o(/tan plei/ones bohqoi\ kai\ sunh/goroi tw=| pra/gmati parw=si, su/ndikoi kalou=ntai.
Similarly in other lexica.
Lene Rubinstein, Litigation and Co-operation: supporting speakers in the courts of classical Athens (Stuttgart 2000)
Keywords: definition; ethics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 31 January 2014@08:43:00.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 31 January 2014@22:48:11.
David Whitehead (added bibliography) on 2 February 2014@04:04:10.


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