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Search results for sigma,1422 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1422
Translated headword: being pressed
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] being confined.[1] "With the Carthaginians being pressed by hunger because of the mass of men shut up together in the city".[2] That is locked up together.
Also [sc. attested is] sunh/gonto ["they were being pressed"]: "for they were being so pressed by famine and lack of necessities that they often discussed raising the siege".[3] That is, they were locked up together.
Greek Original:*sunagome/nwn: stenoxwroume/nwn. sunagome/nwn de\ limw=| tw=n *karxhdoni/wn dia\ to\ plh=qos tw=n sugkekleisme/nwn a)ndrw=n e)n th=| po/lei. toute/sti sugkleiome/nwn. kai\ *sunh/gonto: e)s ga\r tou=to sunh/gonto sitodei/a| kai\ spa/nei tw=n a)nagkai/wn, w(/ste bouleu/esqai peri\ tou= lu/ein th\n poliorki/an. toute/sti suneklei/onto.
[1] Masculine genitive plural of these present passive participles, the headword one presumably extracted from the first quotation given. For this verb see generally
sigma 1420.
Polybius 1.18.7 (on the Carthaginian siege of Agrigentum during the First Punic War).
Polybius 1.18.10.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 November 2001@07:58:48.
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