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Search results for sigma,1409 in Adler number:
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Headword: *sumfora\
Adler number: sigma,1409
Translated headword: coming-together, conjunction
Vetting Status: high
[Symphora] also [sc. means] being carried together [epiphora] at the same time. Pisides [says]: "out of the immense coming-together of the snowdrifts."[1] [He is speaking] about snow.
Greek Original:
*sumfora\ kai\ h( o(mou= e)pifora/. *pisi/dhs: e)k th=s a)me/trou sumfora=s tw=n surma/dwn. peri\ xio/nos.
For this headword in its (common) applied meaning of fortune -- good or bad -- see already sigma 1407 and sigma 1408. The present entry (which, Adler reports, is part of sigma 1408 in four of the mss) presents an instance of it in a literal, etymological sense.
[1] George of Pisidia, Heraclias 3 fr.10, line 1.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; poetry
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 17 May 2000@07:15:43.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified note; added keywords; cosmetics) on 12 September 2002@10:23:10.
David Whitehead (expanded note; more keywords; tweaking) on 2 January 2014@09:21:44.
Catharine Roth (tweaked reference) on 27 November 2014@00:03:29.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 6 May 2022@00:50:08.


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